Event shoot – Greek Orthodox Christening

I wanted to share just a few (of the many hundreds!) of the photographs I took for a client at the christening of their twin babies. Remember these beautiful twins? Their lovely mother Georgie commissioned me to shoot their first big life event at the Greek Orthodox church in Belmore, Sydney. It was a beautiful day, followed by a raucous evening - these people sure know how to party! The Belmore church is awe-inspiring, and taking documentary photos there was a joy. It's so nice to think that these girls will have photographs to look back on when they are

By |2019-02-15T21:10:18+11:00June 19th, 2013|Categories: Christenings, Documentary|Tags: , , , |

Event shoot – the birth of Rosalind

As a passionate documentary photographer, one of my goals for 2013 was to photograph a birth. I had the exciting opportunity to do so when Isabel requested my presence at the birth of her first daughter. Unfortunately, it just wasn't to be - Rosalind was unexpectedly born in the early morning after a very surprising three hour labour. So my first glimpse of this new baby and her wonderful parents was a few hours later, when visiting hours began, during which I took these intimate images of Rosalind's first day of life. It was a moving experience, actually - observing

By |2019-02-15T21:10:18+11:00June 19th, 2013|Categories: Babies, Documentary|Tags: , , , , , |